two sequence poems by

John Mingay


 i.m. Jay Ramsay (1958-2018)






Forty-Four Grains of Virtue






of motive without history,

is beyond measure:


the more others impart,

the more she bestows until she is kin;






faith does not voice divine words unfailing.





Forever seasoned without age,

countless allegations, however oblique,

bark and crow their artless plot:


their incantation…

their honeyed custom;


their prattle

girdling mendacity in riddles.


Though, even in intent,

no-one fakes circumstance

to be flesh in its devotion.





Her essence fulfils

the one task her life demands

and her so virtuous passion

remains distant yet immense.





If words embody the present,

she once more embraces

the one now

dust’s passage is;


she again welcomes spoken wilderness

ahead of no-one and everyone…


nothing impenetrable

is nothing,

yet water is complete.





Her hunger

is the moment

and she is silent:


she only has the present…


All but enough

diminishes what she conquers:


she, too, has

whatever resembles heaven.





Beyond is delicate:


the fire, herein after,

is the intense awe

around the death of the parallel

life is.


She, meanwhile…





Fragile is life,

is the way,

however insatiably sought

from this moldering embrace.


When the meddling closes in,

the humble abandon the future

and the hungry replenish the moment.





Her undying desire -

solely to escape the solitude

she, like you, as necessity, consumes -

is her blood and her shadow

should integrity, unaware,

muster the recollections you revere.





Though twisted sour,

desire’s deceits kindle words

and she becomes everything pure.


She seduces,

yet she concedes

the journey is the wisdom

other cunning will reveal.


She will converge in parallel.





Aspire to passion,

but understand, also, that this

is neither confession nor apprehension…


the moment

is what people approach

at the same season swell.





Sentiment does this of belief:


it faces, if only in forethought,

what to value highest is variance.





Integrity preserves her –


though in that rarely

so notably recognized amalgam

conceived as words from within…



but insensate,

pains to pleasure.





Heart-heavy with time,

she will surmount the new

where the supposèd tragedy is there

without chaos,

without course;


this sway

a refuge,

an impetus

even I affirm is there between…





Pleasure comes

to make the struggle life is

confess purpose.


She sees

she who is laughing

knows she who is happy

to see all.





Devotion protects her aspirations:


it has reticence in fidelity,

has certainty that, still without

order throughout, yearns for fullness

to be the liberty to dare to love…


the meanings have grown obsolete

in speaking of ritual that says all.





The end

does not complete her journey

through the successive pain and place

she lives.


Her foremost obsession

puts her above sentiment…


she is the wisdom of the seas and rivers.





The end

is unseen spirit,

hidden to forever lead

these misunderstandings

through the weight of knowing,


through the heaviness

she becomes in the unknowing,

the enlightening way,


to submit to age.





Appear to resist

and she declares the endless drift

to be nothingness,

as much as the reflection it always seeks.


Nothing surrenders,

nothing decays:


thus, she follows a course

constructed from a delusive consonance;


still easily shattered, though stubborn;

easily found, yet not seized.





Meandering, as if

many words make her whole,

she is still what time finds possessed -


essence within deed.





The tide is calm;


she awaits the nothingness

between the words you cherish.





Each scream

is another province…


is the brief moment

beyond when

its stillness

becomes vast;


a symmetry unbroken.





In shared time…

disparate strides,

corresponding spirits;


solitary spectres

who crowd the silent progress

toward the answers you, the led,

must utter.





And being the motive, the journey

is this eternal act of allusion you pursue;


the occupying of boundaries

no-one knows,

no-one lifts.


You exist everywhere

through being the departing season,

through speaking ancient truths.


You can only prove

emptiness is beyond heaven to men.





Blind without colour, she is thirsty:


she imagines she is

tangible delusion and superstition

biting into the one happiness

only sadness relieves.





Innocent cravings

have, themselves, become

the ignorance we untangle

in the stillness of time;


the hollowness we voice…

the ominous art people destroy.


And, impoverished, you are there;


the world,

the present,

the way this belief

must expose the duplicity you allege.





Promising fathomless patience,

she is stirred

by motionless circumstance,

affected by devotion she cannot pursue.


Secret thoughts snarled

and mouth crowded,

she knows who…





To end this descent

is to give life to posterity;


to know peace.


Its every grain awakens

blood, sinews, bones,

with poisonous intent unperturbed.





I sense your hope

will become her promise.



who truth moulds,

will not be betrayed.





Virtue, not chaos, decides

where confines clear a stride,

where icon and poet are only empty retreats,

where weeds are royalty,

where all above is to know really if…





Always this specific clarity to return to -


your caress reveals

the belief in doubts

her life answers to:


she, who is that beginning, has bounds.






sorrows become cast

without precious life being

solely so flawless.


Circumstances nourish direction.





Transient, she is why emptiness

finds its path through the past,

as far as time and reason permit:


and, throughout, she breathes

this virtuous future-thread from within,

of life, of stillness, of death –


of coming without going.






her quiet loyalty

is true to the essence her heart weaves.





The swarming

of unfettered remains attained

she lulls and, all the time, drains:



the vitreous evermore;



this unity.





…and anything she is

she knows she becomes -


wisdom the way the cycle endures.





Enough is the yearning

greater than sorrow -


there are

pleasures to exhaust.





Stillness and purity

subdue asinine spiralling

as its progress becomes

its boundless perfection.





Pain and chance become

to acknowledge

she is who the delusion

inevitably embraces:



who attempts truths;



who is one.





Dust is deed in flesh…


the words, without explanation,

voice the adoration you persuade

even unfailing creation

to deny.





My going will encourage others

further through waning truths

for themselves;


these gods, yet,

what symmetry grants,

flowing towards their dusk,

sure all things spawn you…


the way.





Perfect virtue is the solitary moment

no voice has the resonance,

the pure essence,

to aspire to be life

as appears to the muse.


Though, at that moment, loudly,

she laughs, while the doubts she hears

surrender to habit with wisdom assumed.





Emptiness comes:


heaven is the surrender.





The encumbrance of hope is exiled:


its root, in the epithet

this unbroken scream holds so foul,

has reason to have had itself silenced;


not to whisper the truth this path became.


And you,

the virtuous apparition,

came, clarified all

and offered the quiet euphony

you absorbed beyond the clutches of bedlam.





Throughout the pretending

persists the haste of dawn

and the chaos of dawning…


The belief in emptiness

is her grain, her answer –


and she cherishes love and life:


nurtures being;


forever treasures silence.







More Grains


“There is still so much of life that fails to make sense.”






silence creates hunger

without being,

bequeathing clarity

I take to carve,

all, if not nothing,

and journeying without end.





Risking distant angles,

the fragments appear connected,

absorbed in communion

with the entirety life achieves.


The uncertain history

becomes invisible,



Life is this now

you take to adorn,

to allow to grow,

to need to want.


You unravel

until virtue

befriends you.






and nothing

you listen for




and only silence

comes to mirror

the eternal embrace.





Belief completes the knowing -


without it,

forever is as being;


it is the when the spirit seizes,

the dead the inexhaustible revere.






not time,

is sufficient awareness

to recognise effortless faith.





Beyond the solitary path of words

flows the fate never knows,

if, where life finds only beginnings,

all truth would cast off its mould.


The indispensable

is simplicity;


is infinite.





A moment in cloudless time stirs

with the song of unfolding beliefs

only impressions of stillness allow.



the thought of seeing

the ungodly reality of whim

appears uncommon

when the coincidence of purity

is the struggle of art,

of life.


In man,

I exist,


to tell.






scattered sense

swelling doubt

accompanies the years

and, where actions

encourage convention,

the rape of stillness

stains innocence within.





Too often cruel is the present

to dilute time,

now circumstances hold to poverty.


It consumes,

it manipulates certainty,

laying open a world more sweated.





Gathering for necessity,

no serious future

follows the sequence it rehearses.


If there is simplicity,

life is the sorrow

invented to return with purity.


Wisdom, once still, spins

and the cadence is surrender -

the loss is of sense.





This imperfection in meaning

hastens the delusive significance

of clarity in life:


there for forever to know;


always the imminent knot

in what no-one needs.


Never brief, being has no end.





Sense loses all direction

through absorbing

the world of forsaken eyes,

foregoing purpose

when, even without flesh,

motion is unmoving.





To alter heaven

is to entice time

and sully stillness;


to always echo

the words of doubt

diversity weaves.


Alone, so silent,

there is dust and air

already complete, invariably one.





These, with chaos,

cause all coincidence,

stumbling, like inspired bravado,

to become hunger, to long for life,

to seek passage beyond beliefs.





Belief is only enough

where you face those

you suppose elated.


You come upon them

with one assumption:


you will achieve,

in them,

in one life,

sense that can endure

heaven and earth.


Yet, day does not settle into words.





In life,

every phrase

is laden with ancient woes,

with pains within knots

to become fire,

to set the circle of being.


The path taken

shall grow old,

full of empty virtue.





Through unmistakable

moments of intuition,

I begin to balance

names without time

against the ambiguous silence

words obscure

and, so, make being of knowing.





The question to ponder,

(like all unceasing seas)

only I perceive,

so luminous, so chaotic,

as if impatient to belong,

yet given wholly to lifting

the last loneliness there is between.





Sorrows become you, as

to embrace, to hold to

something that is divine,

something within,

and put love before virtue,

place knowing beyond faith,

beyond words.





There are times

when conscience

will purify shared blood,

when embellishment

will conceal untold sense

and when passion

will silence unblemished belief.





Free, we imagine

every moment must bear happiness -

comfortable and familiar,

the entire sky cloudless.





In life,

time leads to awareness of ending,

as if to stumble alone, dying.


Sense only suggests forever,

hints at the motive all things return to.


I, accordingly,

will the stillness towards birth.





And what can flow, little by little,

can come closer to the unknown;


the impenetrable expanse

that crowds in,

like faltering pain,

from within.



that the invisible unravels time

sacrifices forgotten sense.






this one naked insight dissolves:


its reason it seals in objectless form;


once more,

without speaking

of the unlit dawn.


Its ritual is its gravity -

its belief, its vision.





Distance may separate

the passions blood considers sense,

if I last this suffering, as is meant,

but it is beauty, inasmuch as

this suffering is complete.





And the eye’s pain

grinds the chaos raw;


mad hearts following,

flowing wild:


the stubborn poetry

witnesses blind.





Life answers

what time serves to diminish.


Each nothingness

shapes the emptiness

togetherness holds,

senseless in emphasis.





Life is this…


pressing and swelling,

sustaining and subsisting,

recollecting and spawning,

feasting and forming:

yet, without clarity,

everything you have

can remain redundant,

to become so shrouded

you abandon your soul.





This time is when pain

lingers in words

as scattered as faith can be

and in habit

as ancient as certainty

is something to hold to.





Remorse remains

to reveal compassion,

stirring within, while delusions

unveil silence demanding truth,

in itself offering depth

to explain thinking without being.


All is water - the tide is faith.





Language is as nothing

without seeking solitude,

and is merely hollow

in forever being not.



yet timeless…

age and peace.





Pain without sharing is permitted

and bliss, as motive,

is the gateway taken to being.





Within the sanctuary of sparse words,

poetry emerges, more and more,

and is dust without breath for fortune.


Like delaying, the sacrifice persists,

common to creation and distance.





It is tangible,

yet it dissolves…

it scatters all wisdom

to not ever and always.





Through everything

hereafter and ending,


breathes in sense

that yields only bones

and reduces hearts

to snarled emotions.


Dust brings truths

that bring truths

that bring perfect purity of faith.





…except time

is when nothing concedes

and stillness is abandoned,

silent to all in sorrow and sense,

yet complete, already as if now

is that moment of intangible faith.





Throughout the conundrum,

the hidden epithet

is simply one of sense,

of vision:


the nothingness

close to unfolding.


…and wakening,

I call the name of another:


the eternal…

the sweated whisper of beyond.






This revised compilation © John Mingay 2015

a facqueuesol paperless book 2019




Grains consists of two sequence poems,

Forty-Four Grains of Virtue and More Grains,

which incorporate manipulated texts sourced from

parts one, Tao (The Way), and two, Te (Life or Virtue in Action) of

The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu (The Richard Wilhelm Edition, 1910).

Forty-Four Grains of Virtue was first published in a limited edition pamphlet

by Raunchland Publications in 1999.